Crystal Bed Therapy
If you are already aware of the power of crystals, then you will love this multi-sensory, deeply meditative experience.
What is a Crystal Bed?
The Crystal Bed is a healing device that has been developed in Brazil, for the world-renowned healing centre the “Casa de Dom Inacio”. The bed has 7 extremely clear and highly polished quartz crystals suspended approximately 30cm above the client lying on a massage table.
Each of the quarts crystals has been cut to a specific frequency and is aligned above one of the seven human energy centres or chakras. Coloured lights, chosen to match the chakra colours, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies. The individual receiving the session rests face up with eyes closed, bathing in the energy.
What are chakras?
The chakras are gates between our body, mind and soul. The term chakra originates from Sanskrit and means the wheel of light.
Chakras regulate, maintain and lead the physical, emotional, spiritual and soulful facets of our essence on the physical level. Chakras, or energy centres, are invisible to the eye and belong to the aura of a human being. Seven chakras are in line along the spine, going through the pelvis area to the top of the head.
The energy of our chakras affect the functioning of all our organs and glands, as well as our feelings and emotions.
When we speak of a 'blocked chakra' we refer to energy not flowing through this system. Most people react to unpleasant experiences by blocking our senses and therefore stopping our natural flow of energy. When the energy flow in turn becomes weaker, it may very well lead to a physical ailment or illness.
When we suppress an experience, feeling, or emotion, we block at that respective chakra. The movement of energy can also be disturbed by stress, anxiety and an unhealthy lifestyle.
$30 | 20 minutes
$50 | 40 minutes
$70 | 60 minutes